Last weekend, my husband and I went to New York City to see Kris Carr on an event called Crazy, Sexy, Miracles that she had with her friend, the motivational speaker Gabrielle Bernstein. I think that, by now, every one who knows me, also knows that I am a total groupie when it comes to Kris Carr. I love her, admire her, follow her on Twitter and Instagram and go to her events whenever I can.
This was actually the third time I had gone to see her, although I don't have a picture of the first time I did, in 2011. At that time, a very kind soul had given me a ticket to see her in my town, as this person (whom I hardly knew) had found out that I had just being diagnosed with a recurrence of my cancer. At the time of the event, I was actually in between scans and consultations and we still did not know exactly what stage my cancer was, but things were not looking rosy. So I went to see her alone, on a cold January night, and after hearing her story (she has a rare form of cancer and 20 tumors in her lung and liver) I remember thinking, "Wait, this lady just said that she has done a huge number of things to keep herself healthy, including putting coffee up her butt, and she still is not cured???" And although I had a book from her (the same nice person gave me the ticket and book), I did not stay for the book signing portion of the event, as I just felt like running home and shutting my mind altogether. But, eventually, I did read her book, and together with the Anticancer book from Servan Schreiber, it helped me understand that being cured maybe is not so much the goal, but instead, we need to try to be as healthy as possible in our every day and hope we can stay that way for a long, long time. And the truth is, this does apply to everyone, not just cancer patients. So she became my hero and my inspiration.
Last weekend's event was wonderful, and although she did not really say anything new, it is very nice to hear her talk about the evolution of her journey. She also signed her Crazy, Sexy, Kitchen book for me (highly recommend it, if you want to eat healthy and delicious recipes) and we had a chance to talk for 30 seconds. I told her that by now, she is indeed my friend, although she just doesn't know it (of course, she does not remember me). She was kind and gracious and she said that she was glad to know. I was happy I had another opportunity to thank her for having guided me so well in this adventure.
And the rest of the weekend was also perfect, as we had a chance to meet a dear group of friends in New York City and spend a lazy Sunday in a charming restaurant having brunch with them. Perfect recipe for me before the whirlwind of the academic semester swallows me and I forget to take time to connect with my soul. These friends are as important in my life as my new, fictional friends. I'm very happy, and thankful, I have both of them to rely on.
Well, I know I have already talked about the importance of friends in other tips, but I think it is nice to remember it often. Don't you agree?